MIRAGLIA, Luigi Miraglia

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Miraglia LuigiMIRAGLIA, Luigi   - August 16, 1939 – June 13, 2022

With sadness, we announce the passing of Luigi on June 13, 2022, at the age of 82.

Reunited in heaven with his son, Pasquale; and beloved wife, Elena.

Cherished father to Frank, Elena, Romi (Sergio). Proud nonno of Melissa, Chanel (Tyler), Michael, Madison, Paige, Matthew, Luca and Nico. Fondly remembered by his sisters, Anna (Paolo) and Romana.

He will be missed by his nieces and nephews and their families.

Luigi was a respected and loved entrepreneur within the beauty industry for over 50 years.

As a young man his love and passion for his craft and fellow artists, which allowed him to follow his dream of making a difference in shaping the industry and molding it into what it is today.

He loved to see young people evolve and grow in the industry and the academy education that he pioneered and built. This industry will miss this icon's contribution.

Visitation will be held at Bernardo Funeral Home, 2960 Dufferin St., on Friday, June 17, 2022, from 2-9 p.m. Funeral Mass will be celebrated in St. Charles Borromeo Church (811 Lawrence Ave. W., at Dufferin St.) on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. A private entombment will follow.

In memory of Luigi, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Categories: ONTARIO

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