McKINNEY, Marie Margaret McKinney

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McKinney MarieMcKINNEY, Marie Margaret (nee Kay) - Passed away with the love of her family surrounding her at The John M. Parrott Centre on Sunday, July 29, 2018 at the age of 79.

Devoted and loving wife of 58 years to John McKinney.

Cherished mother of John (Katalin), Jim (Claire), Beth McKinney and Margie (Darryl) Rickard.

Sadly missed by her grandchildren Grace, Jonathon, Amelia, James, Anna, Shannon, Sam, Ella and Nara.

Dear sister of Doris Jollow of Cannington, Earl Kay of Whitby and the late Laurel Newell of Scarborough.

Fondly remembered by her nieces and nephews. Funeral detail will follow at a later date.

Friends desiring may contribute by cheque to Grace United Church in memory of Marie.


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