PHILLIPS, Margaret Phillips –

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McEachnie Funeral Home, Arbor Memorial


Elderly woman in a garden holding yellow flowers

PHILLIPS, Margaret Phillips - It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Margaret Phillips on July 15, 2024 at Lakeridge Health Ajax with her daughter’s in attendance. She was 88 years old.

Predeceasd by her mother Constance Phillips (nee Armstrong), her father James Phillips, her 1st born child Marilyn Geraldine Schweichert and her partner Ken Wilson.

She will be greatly missed by those she left behind, Brothers - Jim Phillips, Art Phillips (Mary) and Dave Phillips.
Daughters - Debbie Stewart (Bruce), Lori Schweichert (Jack Snider), Tina Greer (Earl).
Grandchildren - Hilary, Adrian, Michael, Crystal, Daniel, Mitchell, Tamara, Lydia and Julia.
Great Grandchildren - Sierra, Maddison, Brooklyn, Atticus, Emma, Nolan, Lili, Vella, Wyatt and Hannah.

Margaret took joy working as manager of Snoopy’s in the Harwood Mall, Shoe Repair Store and then later worked for the Red Cross as a PSW.
She especially loved spending her summers on Beach Lake at the cottage where she met life long friends.

Her family always looked forward to receiving her homemade Birthday and Christmas cards. We were excited to see what new ideas she came up with.
Her love for her family became evident in the beautiful scrapbooks she made for each of us, delicately handcrafted with love and care.

A memorial for Margaret will be held on Friday August 23, 2024, 2pm (Family will receive visitors at 1 pm) at McEachnie Funeral Home, Located at 28 Old Kingston Rd Ajax.

After the service those that are able to travel to the Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens will do so for the interment.


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