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AFTERCARE Cremation & Burial Service

Many people choose cremation for different reasons; some people feel it's an eloquent, yet simpler tribute. Whatever your reasons, we'd like you to know that cremation is something we specialize in. No matter how simple a ceremony you're looking for, we'll make sure that it's personalized and dignified in every respect.Aftercare cremation and burial services was created to help the needs of those families that desire direct/simple cremation or immediate/direct burial. You and your loved one are treated with the dignity and compassion that is needed during this difficult time.We are an affordable alternative to the high costs of funeral services and funeral homes. We have designed this web site to make everything as simple to understand and easy to arrange as possible.Thank you for considering Aftercare Cremation.

901 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4W1
Armstrong Funeral Home Ltd.

The Armstrong Funeral Home is the only funeral home in Oshawa that has been continually owned by one family for four generations. Robert, Debbie and our Staff continue to focus on the personal service and attention to details that over 85 years of experience can provide.Sincerely, Bob & Debbie Armstrong

124 King St. E.
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1B6


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