STEVENSON, Thomas Muir ‘Tom’ Stevenson Obituary

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Stevenson TomSTEVENSON, Thomas Muir 'Tom' - It is with deep sadness that we announce Tom's passing. Surrounded by family, he left us peacefully on August 30, 2017 at the age of 66.

Tom is survived by fiancée Laurine Woods, daughter Stephanie (Tom), son Sean, grandchildren Desmond and Reeva, brothers Jim (Gail), Steve (Elaine), sister Elizabeth (Russ), and many nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by parents James and Agnes, and brother John (Elaine).

Thank you to the countless staff members at Juravinski Hospital that helped Tom and his family through this difficult time.

Tom will be remembered for his larger-than-life personality and the selfless love and kindness he offered to everyone he met. "Mr. Tom" touched the lives of many families as the owner of Sunny Days Nursery. He happily volunteered with Hamilton Sledge Hockey for many years. Tom also coached many athletes playing hockey and soccer. He was a proud member of his community and he went out of his way to help friends and strangers alike.

Most recently, Tom found new happiness with his fiancée and the life they were building together, and also as a grandfather. Tom is leaving an immeasurable gap in the lives of those closest to him, but we will fill that gap by living life fully and selflessly, in his honour.

Please join us at Bay Gardens Funeral Home: 947 Rymal Road East, Hamilton, on Saturday September 9th. Visitation is taking place from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., followed immediately by a Celebration of Life service, and a reception.

Staying true to Tom's style, we ask that you wear comfortable and casual clothing -- he wouldn't want anything stuffy or formal. Also, in lieu of flowers, should you feel so inclined, please make a donation in Tom's name to Neighbour to Neighbour.

"Goodbyes hurt the most when the story was not finished..."


Categories: Hamilton

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